
10 API Security Best Practices for E-commerce 2024

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ScoreDetect Team
Published underCybersecurity

Disclaimer: This content may contain AI generated content to increase brevity. Therefore, independent research may be necessary.

E-commerce API attacks are surging. Here’s what you need to know:

  • API attacks jumped 681% in 2021
  • 77% of retailers faced API security issues
  • 67% can’t see all their APIs

10 ways to protect your e-commerce APIs:

  1. Strong login (MFA, OAuth 2.0)
  2. Smart access rules
  3. Data encryption (HTTPS, stored data)
  4. Request limits
  5. API gateways
  6. Regular security testing
  7. Monitor third-party connections
  8. Input/output validation
  9. Robust logging
  10. API lifecycle management

Quick Comparison of API Security Tools:

Tool Key Features Best For Pricing
Traceable Real-time detection, AI Large enterprises Subscription
Salt Security Behavior protection Mid to large businesses $50k/year (5M calls/month)
StackHawk Developer-focused Dev teams Free tier, $49/user/month
42Crunch Auto security checks OpenAPI users Varies
Wallarm Auto detection, API discovery Quick API inventory Free tier available

Ignoring API security is risky. One breach can wreck profits and reputation. Make it a top priority to stay ahead of threats in 2024.

What is API Security in E-commerce?

API security in e-commerce is all about protecting the digital connections that let different software systems talk to each other. For online stores, it’s crucial to lock down the APIs that handle sensitive stuff like customer info, payment details, and inventory data.

Why does it matter? Three big reasons:

  1. APIs often deal with sensitive customer data
  2. They expose core e-commerce functions
  3. Popular sites process TONS of API calls daily

Authentication and Authorization

Think of these as the bouncers at the API club:

  • Authentication: "Who are you?"
  • Authorization: "What are you allowed to do?"

A customer might be able to view their own orders, but not snoop on other people’s data.

Common API Security Threats

E-commerce APIs face some nasty risks:

Threat What It Is Why It’s Bad
Broken Authentication Weak login systems Account hacks, data breaches
Data Exposure Accidental info leaks Privacy violations, legal headaches
Injection Attacks Sneaky malicious code Data theft, system takeovers
Rate Limiting Abuse API overload Service crashes, sky-high costs

The E-commerce API Security Landscape

The numbers don’t lie:

  • Gartner says API attacks will be the #1 cause of data breaches in enterprise web apps by 2022
  • Postman reported 1.13 BILLION API calls in 2022

As one security pro put it:

"APIs are the backbone of modern e-commerce, but they’re also an expanding attack surface that many businesses struggle to secure properly."

Key Challenges for E-commerce API Security

  1. Speed: Fast development can lead to security slip-ups
  2. Complexity: E-commerce platforms often use tons of third-party services
  3. Old Tech: Older APIs might lack modern security features
  4. Growth: Security needs to keep up with exploding transaction volumes

To tackle these issues, online stores need a solid API security game plan. This means using things like encryption, API gateways, and constant monitoring.

10 Ways to Improve API Security for Online Stores

E-commerce platforms need solid API security. Here’s how to protect your online store’s APIs:

  1. Strong Login: Use multi-factor authentication and OAuth 2.0. It’s like adding extra locks to your front door.
  2. Smart Access Rules: Control who sees what. Think of it as giving employees different keys based on their job.
  3. Data Protection: Use HTTPS and encrypt stored data. It’s like putting your sensitive info in a safe.
  4. Request Limits: Set up rate limiting. This stops bad guys from flooding your system.
  5. API Gateways: Manage security from one spot. It’s your API control center.
  6. Regular Check-ups: Test often to find weak spots. Stay one step ahead of the bad guys.
  7. Watch Outside Links: Keep an eye on third-party connections. Don’t let others’ weak security become your problem.
  8. Clean Data: Check what goes in and out of your APIs. It’s like having a bouncer at a club.
  9. Keep Records: Set up good logging. When something goes wrong, you’ll know what happened.
  10. Lifecycle Management: Keep your APIs up-to-date and remove old ones. Out with the old, in with the secure.

Why It Matters

These aren’t just nice-to-haves. They’re must-haves. Here’s why:

"We can’t afford not to address this problem head-on." – Tyler Reynolds, Channel & GTM Director at

The numbers tell the story:

Stat Impact
$6.1 million Average cost per API attack
168% Growth in API traffic (July 2021 – July 2022)
117% Increase in malicious API attacks (same period)

Salt Security reported these figures. They show why strong API security is crucial for e-commerce in 2024.



API security isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it deal for e-commerce businesses. The numbers tell a scary story:

  • API attacks shot up 681% in 2021
  • 77% of retail businesses got hit with API security issues
  • API calls jumped 141% in just six months

These stats show why e-commerce companies need to stay sharp. Here’s the deal:

1. Always be ready

Threats change fast. Yesterday’s fix might not cut it tomorrow.

2. Think like the bad guys

Attackers are always cooking up new tricks. Stay one step ahead.

3. Keep it simple

Complex systems? Harder to lock down. Nail the basics first.

4. Test like crazy

Regular security checks catch problems before they blow up.

5. Learn from others’ mistakes

The e-commerce world’s full of lessons. Use them to beef up your defenses.

API security isn’t just an IT headache. It’s a business problem. One breach can wreck your profits and your reputation.

"Customer data integrity is key for trust and brand image. Security breaches can kill trust and trash a business’s reputation."

In e-commerce, trust is gold. Solid API security helps you build and keep it.

Looking ahead, API security will only get more crucial. E-commerce businesses that make it a top priority? They’ll be ready for whatever comes next.

What Experts Say

API security experts are sounding the alarm for e-commerce platforms in 2024. Here’s what you need to know:

Threats Are Skyrocketing

API attacks jumped 681% from 2021 to 2022. And it’s not slowing down.

Some eye-opening stats:

  • 95% of companies got hit by API attacks in 2022
  • API breaches cost US businesses $12-23 billion yearly

It’s Not Just About Money

A LinkedIn cybersecurity pro puts it bluntly:

"API breaches hurt your wallet AND your reputation. You’ll bleed cash on cleanup and legal fees. But the real killer? Customers lose faith and shop elsewhere."

5 Must-Do Security Steps

  1. Lock down authentication (OAuth 2.0, two-factor)
  2. Encrypt EVERYTHING (HTTPS across the board)
  3. Validate inputs (block nasty stuff like SQL injection)
  4. Set rate limits (stop DDoS and brute force attacks)
  5. Watch like a hawk (constant monitoring)

AI to the Rescue?

AI tools are making waves. A Salt Security researcher explains:

"AI catches API threats humans might miss. It spots weird patterns FAST."

The Bottom Line

E-commerce companies: ignore API security at your peril. One expert nails it:

"In 2024, solid API protection isn’t a ‘nice-to-have.’ It’s survival."

API Security Tools Compared

Protecting e-commerce APIs? You need the right security tool. Here’s how some top options compare:

Tool Key Features Best For Pricing
Traceable Real-time threat detection, AI analysis Large enterprises Subscription
Salt Security Behavior-based protection, wide protocol support Mid to large businesses $50,000/year (5M API calls/month)
StackHawk Developer-focused, CI/CD integration Dev teams Free tier, $49/contributor/month
42Crunch Auto security checks, OpenAPI focus OpenAPI/Swagger users Varies, needs OpenAPI contract
Wallarm Auto threat detection, shadow API discovery Quick API inventory needs Free tier available

Each tool has its strong points:

Traceable? Great AI analysis, but might be overkill for smaller teams.

Salt Security? Solid behavior protection, but it’ll cost you.

StackHawk? Developers love it, but it’s light on advanced features.

42Crunch? Automation king, but only for documented REST APIs.

Wallarm? Good balance of features and cost, with a free trial option.

Choosing your tool? Think about:

1. Your team’s tech skills

Some tools need more know-how than others. StackHawk, for instance, is built for devs.

2. Your wallet

Prices are all over the map. Salt Security starts at $50,000 a year, while others let you try for free.

3. What you REALLY need

Real-time monitoring? Automated testing? API discovery? Pick a tool that matches your must-haves.

4. Playing nice with your current setup

Make sure the tool fits with your tech stack and how you work.

What’s Next for E-commerce API Security

The e-commerce API security landscape is changing fast. Here’s what you need to know:

AI Steps Up

AI isn’t just hype anymore. It’s making waves in API security:

  • 77% of companies are using or exploring AI
  • 36% of devs used AI for code review in 2023

AI tools catch threats faster than humans, often before they become real problems.

Blockchain’s New Role

Blockchain isn’t just for Bitcoin. It’s finding its place in e-commerce security:

  • Walmart: Food safety tracking
  • Amazon: Fighting fake products
  • Alibaba: Beefing up supply chain security

It makes messing with transaction data a whole lot harder.

Goodbye, Passwords?

Passwords might be on their way out. Gartner predicts 20-30% of big companies will ditch them by 2025. Instead, we might see:

  • Fingerprint scans
  • Face recognition
  • Hardware tokens

These methods are tougher to crack than your old password.

GraphQL Takes Off

GraphQL, the new kid on the API block, is gaining traction. By 2025, over half of big companies might use it. It offers:

  • Smarter data fetching
  • Easier mobile app updates
  • New security puzzles to solve

Laws Shake Things Up

New privacy laws are forcing e-commerce to rethink data handling. APIs need to adapt to:

  • GDPR (Europe)
  • CCPA (California)
  • Other new rules popping up

This means baking privacy into APIs from the start.

Threats Keep Coming

Bad news: API attacks are on the rise:

  • API weak spots have tripled since 2016
  • 22% of companies face weekly API attacks in 2024
  • Cloud networks saw a 34% jump in attacks

"API attacks will keep skyrocketing in 2024 as companies struggle with API chaos from rapid innovation." – Rago, Cybersecurity Expert

The takeaway? E-commerce can’t ignore API security. It’s time to get smart, use new tech, and stay ahead of the bad guys.

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